App of the Week - App Inventor for Android

Posted Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:23 PM by Nathan Zaugg

appinventor_logoI ran into this really neat app this week called App Inventor for Android.  It allows for rapid prototyping of Android applications.  I have used DroidDraw in the past and have found it to be very helpful in designing Android UI.  It won’t do anything when I’m done but I can at least save me some of the guesswork involved in UI layout.  App Inventor goes one step further and will allow you to add basic functionality to the application.

App Inventor probably won’t allow you to create anything but the most simple applications but it is a great addition to the Android development experience.  While I still consider WP7 development experience to be tops; Android is sure nipping at it’s heals. For IOS, let’s just say that unless you’re using MonoTouch the development experience is *much* less!